Ensure that everyone is aware of the outcome.
It's crucial that the person (or persons) you're dating understand your desires if you don't want anything committed. As the host of the We Met at Acme podcast and a relationship specialist who specializes in millennial dating, Lindsey Metselaar advises, "Make it obvious that you're not seeking for something serious from the beginning." The other person can then express an interest in it or decide they are not after giving it some thought. Saying something as simple as, "I appreciate spending time with you, but I want to make sure you know that I'm not looking for something serious right now," can go a long way. You don't need to make a big deal out of it or even bring it up the first time you hang out.
You still require deference.
Respect is crucial in every relationship, whether it be casual, serious, or somewhere in between. Casual dating still requires having a relationship with someone. According to Metselaar, this is treating the individual with the same decency as you would any other person, simply without the commitment.
You still need respect.
Whether a relationship is casual, serious, or somewhere in between, respect is essential. Even with casual dating, a relationship is still necessary. Metselaar claims that this means treating the person with the same respect as you would any other person, but without making a commitment.
Consist of a select group of people.
According to psychiatrist Tina B. Tessina, Ph.D., author of How to Be a Couple and Still Be Free, you can casually date just one person at a time if that's all you feel like you can manage. However, one advantage of this whole process is that you're not beholden to conventional relationship norms. Therefore, don't be reluctant to see several people at once. She asserts that casually dating multiple people is OK. Expectations are very low.
Avoid being possessive, please.
According to Metselaar, you should be cool if you discover via social media that your casual date is seeing other people. They experience your dating life the same way. And stop things right away if you start to see that the person you're seeing is becoming possessive. In casual dating, such has no place.
Don't plan more than a few days in advance.
Making plans a day or two in ahead is entirely acceptable if you want to hang out on Saturday night. However, going beyond that enters into the realm of relationships. Since they could only have that moment if they find someone they wish to date seriously, Metselaar advises people to truly live in the present. Additionally, you can simply meet someone else before you see them again, so there's no reason to commit to plans that you might later decide not to keep.
Concentrate on other aspects of your life.
You're not currently dealing with a relationship, which takes up a lot of mental energy. Put the energy you would have used to pursue a relationship to work, study, or simply pursue your other interests. Casual dating, according to Tessina, "gives you a social, and possibly casual hookups, outlet without imposing demands on your time and emotions."
Personal favors are not acceptable.
So, if you want to move or need someone to care your cat while you're away, call someone else. These kinds of expectations are not present in casual relationships, according to Tessina. "Asking is perplexing." Additionally, you don't want to have to take care of things for them, therefore
Refrain from using them as your plus one.
Weddings and celebrations should be used to socialize with friends and family, not to introduce someone you aren't invested in. Visit these events alone. Tessina explains that by doing this, "your friends and family won't start thinking of you as a committed pair and your date won't think that you intend to include them in your friends and family."
Come to a mature conclusion.
One of two things can be done if you're no longer interested in someone, even just casually: either stop asking them to do things and hope they leave (which they could), or tell them you're just not feeling it anymore when they say they want to hang out. Tessina asserts that "honesty is the best policy." You could even reply to an invitation with a text that reads, "I've really liked spending time with you lately, but I think this has run its course," given that this wasn't a big deal. Anything is preferable to ghosting someone since that is cruel.
Really, when it comes to casual dating, anything goes. "Except for civility, casual dating has few rules," explains Tessina. And it's undoubtedly a terrific choice for you if you're currently unable to maintain a meaningful relationship.